How to Setup Projects and Cost Pools in Costpoint to Effectively Manage Contacts [On-Demand Webinar]

Deltek Insight is an annual customer conference that brings together project-focused professionals from across the globe for education, inspiration and collaboration. Iuvo participated as a Megabyte Sponsor for 2021, offering Costpoint Consulting Services and held the following session.

CPSPON-03 How to setup Projects and Cost Pools in Costpoint to effectively manage contacts

Listen Now via on-demand recording (25:18)


This session will help you understand how to setup Projects, Cost Pools and Indirect Rates in Costpoint. Costpoint Projects can:

  • Manage and track the financial progress of your projects​
  • Establish company-wide settings for your projects​
  • Setup projects and contract type definitions, work breakdown structures, and revenue calculation methods​
  • Creates and maintains information for project budgeting, cost pools, work force, and subcontractor agreements​
  • Compute and print billings ​
  • Generate specific project reports for your financial obligations​


Ed Muldrow, Partner
Tess Martin, Managed Services Director
Charlie Ferrer, Managed Services Consultant


In this webinar we covered the following objectives:

  1. Managing the Project User Flow​
  2. Designing Direct & Indirect Project Structures​
  3. How to setup a Project in Costpoint​
  4. How to setup Cost Pools and Indirect Rates in Costpoint​

We hope that you find this webinar helpful and informative. If you have any additional questions please reach out, we’d love to chat further and assist your organization with:

  • Setup Project User Flows
  • Setup Cost Pools
  • Create Reports & Dashboards
  • System Checkup
  • System Consulting & Training

Learn more about our Deltek Costpoint Consulting Services and Iuvo as a Deltek Partner.

About Iuvo

Iuvo Systems is the premier cost-effective accounting services firm. Iuvo offers services supporting your Quickbooks and Deltek applications including the Costpoint and VantagePoint family of products. Iuvo supports government contractors, architecture, engineering & construction, nonprofit, and other project-oriented firms.